Feasibility Study

Conduction of a wind farm's feasibility study

At International Wind Engineering it is our duty towards investors to safeguard their investment and make sure their won't lose a single cent.
Our team of engineers, economists, mathematicians and physicists are always conducting a “Feasibility Study” from the early stages of the development of a project, to give guidance to the investors on the expected outcome of the project.
A feasibility study for a Wind Energy project should always be conducted to determine probable positive or negative results, before investing that great amount of time and capital into it and to investigate in detail the viability of the investment. The two main criteria helping us calculate whether your investment will turn out being profitable or not are “Cost Required” and “Value to be Attained”.

Lastly, in such a study; a key factor safeguarding its credibility is the perceived objectivity. This is why our approach is always objective and unbiased.